There is a lot of Exif, IPTC and XMP metadata for images. It’s a tedious work to scan them and sort them out in order to determine which metadata property to set and how to set it.
In this post, I display my medatada settings as a freelance photographer. This is a corresponding table between Exif / IPTC / XMP , Capture One Pro, Photoshop CC, Bridge CC and my own settings for copyright and image ownership metadata property names.
Here is the structure of this corresponding table :
EXIF / IPTC / XMP Property Name |
Property description |
Property Name in Capture One Pro |
Property Name in Adobe Photoshop |
Property Name in Adobe Bridge |
My Metadata setting |
I chose to set some property Names related to copyright and image ownership, and also chose to let some of them empty.
- For instance, I chose to set [EXIF] Artist to “Laurence Bichon”.
- and I chose to let [XMP-iptcCore] Creator Work Telephone empty.
In the following table, I used the blue background color when I chose to set this metadata property.

Another precision about the nomenclature. For Capture One and Photoshop, I use the interface menu order into brackets, the property name in the software.
For instance, for Capture One, “[IPTC – Contact] Creator” refers to
![Screenshot for Capture One [IPTC – Contact] Creator nomenclature.](
For instance, for Photoshop, “[IPTC – Creator]” refers to
![Screenshot for Photoshop [IPTC – Creator] nomenclature.](
Here is the corresponding table between Exif / IPTC / XMP , Capture One Pro, Photoshop CC and my own settings for copyright and image ownership metadata property names :
Metadata Name in EXIF / IPTC / XMP | Property description | Metadata Name in Capture One Pro | Metadata Name in Photoshop | Metadata Name in Bridge | My Copyrigh presets |
[EXIF] Artist [IPTC] By-line [XMP-dc] Creator | The name of the photographer, but in cases where the photographer should not be identified the name of a company or organisation may be appropriate. | [IPTC – Contact] Creator | [IPTC] Creator | [IPTC] Author [IPTC Core] Creator | Laurence Bichon |
[IPTC] By-line Title [XMP-photoshop] Authors Position | Creator's Job Title | [IPTC – Contact] Creator’s Job T | [IPTC] Creator's Job Title | [IPTC] Author Title [IPTC Core] Job Title | Photographer |
[IPTC Credit] [XMP photoshop] Credit | The credit to person(s) and/or organisation(s) required by the supplier of the image to be used when publish. | [IPTC - Status] Provider | [Origin] Credit Line | [IPTC Core] Credit Line | Laurence Bichon Photographer |
[IPTC Source] [XMP photoshop] Source | Enter or edit the name of a person or party who has a role in the content supply chain, such as a person or entity from whom you received this image from. | [IPTC - Status] Source | [Origin] Source | [IPTC] Source [IPTC Core] Source | Laurence Bichon |
[IPTC] IPTC Application Record 208 [XMP-iptcCore] CreatorAddress | Address of the Creator | [IPTC – Contact] Address | [IPTC] Address | [IPTC Core ] Creator: Address | – |
[IPTC] IPTC Application Record 209 [XMP-iptcCore] Creator City | Creator City | [IPTC – Contact] City | [IPTC] City | [IPTC] City [IPTC Core] City [IPTC Core ] Creator: City | – |
[XMP-iptcCore] Creator Region | Creator Region | [IPTC – Contact] State/Province | [IPTC] State/Province | [IPTC Core] State/Province [IPTC Core ] Creator: State/Province | – |
[IPTC] IPTC Application Record 211 [XMP-iptcCore] Creator Postal Code | Creator Postal Code | [IPTC – Contact] Postal Code | [IPTC] Postal Code | [IPTC Core] ISO Country Code [IPTC Core ] Creator: Postal Code | – |
[IPTC] IPTC Application Record 212 [XMP-iptcCore] Creator Country | Creator Country | [IPTC – Contact] Country | [IPTC] Country | [IPTC] Country [IPTC Core] Country [IPTC Core ] Creator: Country | France |
[IPTC] IPTC Application Record 213[XMP-iptcCore] Creator Work Telephone | String with multiple phone numbers of the creator | [IPTC – Contact] Phone(s) | [IPTC] Phone(s) | [IPTC Core ] Creator: Phone(s) | – |
[IPTC] IPTC Application Record 214 [XMP-iptcCore] Creator Work Email | String with multiple email addresses of the creator | [IPTC – Contact] E-Mail(s) | [IPTC] E-Mail(s) | [IPTC Core ] Creator: Email(s) | – |
[IPTC] IPTC Application Record 215 [XMP-iptcCore] Creator Work URL | String with multiple web pages of the creator | [IPTC – Contact] Website(s) | [IPTC] Websites(s) | [IPTC Core ] Creator: Website(s) | |
[EXIF] Copyright [IPTC] Copyright Notice [XMP-dc] Rights | Contains any necessary copyright notice for claiming the intellectual property for artwork or an object in the image and should identify the current owner of the copyright of this work with associated intellectual property rights. | [IPTC – Status] Copyright Notice | [BASIC] Copyright Notice | [IPTC] Copyright Notice | © 2020 Laurence Bichon – All rights reserved. |
IPTC] IPTC Application Record 226 [XMP-xmpRights] Usage Terms | The licensing parameters of the image expressed in free-text. | [IPTC – Status] Rights usage terms | [IPTC] Rights Usage Terms | [IPTC] Rights Usage Terms | No reproduction rights are granted without the express written permission of Laurence Bichon. No other usage is expressed or implied. |
[XMP-xmpRights] WebStatement | URL referencing a web resouce providing a statement of the copyright ownership and usage rights of the image. | - | [Basic] Copyright Info URL | [IPTC] Copyright Info URL | |
[XMP-plus] Image Creator – STRUCTURE ARRAY | Image Creator extends the [XMP-dc] Creator with an array of Image Creator structures. You can add several Creators. As It adds complexity and I only need one Creator structure, I did not include Image Creator. | . | [IPTC Extension] Image Creator | [IPTC Extension] Image Creator | . |
[XMP-plus] Copyright Owner – STRUCTURE ARRAY | Image Owner extends the [EXIF] Copyright, [IPTC] Copyright Notice and [XMP-dc] Rights with an array of structures. You can add several Copyright owners. As It adds complexity and I only need one Copyright owner structure, I did not include it. | . | [IPTC Extension] Copyright Owner | [IPTC Extension] Copyright Owner | . |
[XMP-plus] Licensor STRUCTURE ARRAY - Detailed below | A person or company that should be contacted to obtain a licence for using the item or who has licensed the item. | . | [IPTC Extension] Array of Licensors | [IPTC Extension] Array of Licensors | Only One Licensor structure |
[XMP-plus] LicensorID | Optional PLUS-ID identifying each Licensor | - | [IPTC Extension] Identifier | [IPTC Extension] Identifier | – |
LicensorName | Name of each Licensor | - | [IPTC Extension] Name | [IPTC Extension] Name | Laurence Bichon |
LicensorStreetAddress | Licensor street address. Street name and/or number, or box number. | - | [IPTC Extension] Address | - | – |
LicensorExtendedAddress | Additional Licensor mailing address details. Examples: suite number, apartment number, floor, unit or room number. | - | [IPTC Extension] address Detail | - | – |
LicensorCity | Licensor City name. | - | [IPTC Extension] City | - | – |
LicensorRegion | Licensor State or Province name. | - | [IPTC Extension] State or Province | - | – |
LicensorPostalCode | Licensor Postal Code or Zip Code. | - | [IPTC Extension] Postal Code | - | – |
LicensorCountry | Licensor Country name. | - | [IPTC Extension] Country | - | France |
LicensorTelephoneType1 (choose in list) | Licensor Telephone Type 1. (work) (cell) (fax) (home) (pager) | - | [IPTC Extension] Phone Type 1 | [IPTC Extension] Phone Type 1 | – |
LicensorTelephone1 | Licensor Telephone number 1. Number should include country code, area code and any other codes necessary for international dialing. Also include telephone extensions, where applicable. | - | [IPTC Extension] Phone Number 1 | [IPTC Extension] Phone Number 1 | – |
LicensorTelephoneType2 (choose in list) | Same as LicensorTelephoneType1 | - | [IPTC Extension] Phone Type 2 | [IPTC Extension] Phone Type 2 | – |
LicensorTelephone2 | Same as LicensorTelephone1 | - | [IPTC Extension] Phone Number 2 | [IPTC Extension] Phone Number 2 | – |
LicensorEmail | Licensor Email address. | - | [IPTC Extension] Email address | [IPTC Extension] Email address | – |
LicensorURL | URL for a Licensor web page. May facilitate licensing of the image. URL should include "http://" or "https://". | - | [IPTC Extension] Web address | [IPTC Extension] Web address | |
If you wish more information about metadata, you may read my other article The Photographer’s Metadata Survival Guide. I wrote also a post on how to set the metadata expected by Google Image License in Capture One.
I thank you for your visit.