
7 Ways To Edit Metadata in Capture One Pro

In Capture one, many tools may impact the metadata of an image. Sometimes, this is not obvious. This is why I started to list tools and found 7 ways to change metadata in Capture One Pro. The 7 ways to change your image metadata in Capture One Pro are when importing the image, when manually…


How To Add A Copyright In Capture One Pro – In Depth Review

Copyright information is important for photographers. However, it’s easy to be confused : photo editing softwares have their own way to deal with copyrights. That’s the reason why I spent some time working to clarify how to add a copyright in Capture One Pro. This article describes in detail copyright information in Capture One Pro,…


The Photographer’s Metadata Survival Guide – In Depth Description

Have you wondered, as I did, how to deal with metadata ? I postponed my research hundreds of times until I noticed that Google results evolve very quickly. This was the trigger for me. I decided to learn and build my photographer’s metadata survival guide. What is photo metadata, how can I use them efficiently…


Tuto : comment ajouter un cadre avec Capture One Pro

J’utilise Capture One pour développer mes photos. J’en suis très satisfaite, notamment pour la gestion de la couleur. Mais… Pourquoi Capture One Pro ne propose-t-il pas de créer des cadres autour des images avant de les exporter ? Est-il possible, et si oui, comment ajouter un cadre simplement en développant ses images avec Capture One…


Tuto : how to add a border with Capture One Pro

For a few years now, Capture One has been my photo editor. I love developping my pics in C1. But… why is it not possible to create borders around pictures with Capture One Pro ? How can I add a frame to my photos in Capture One ? You can add a border to your…


Sports photography with Fuji at high ISO : less noise, more details

I shoot sports in gyms or local arenas a lot : basketball, icehockey, handball, roller derby… Players move fast, so I usually set the shutter speed to 1/1000s on my Fujifilm X-T2. Moreover, I also use the largest possible aperture, f2.8, as theses places are never lit enough. Here are the lenses I shoot with…


Photos de sport Fuji à ISO élevé : moins de bruit et plus de netteté

Je fais beaucoup de photos de sport en intérieur : basket, hockey sur glace et roller hockey, handball, roller derby… Les sportifs bougent vite, je shoote donc avec mon Fuji X-T2 à 1/1000s. Pour pallier au manque de lumière en intérieur, je règle de diaphragme à la plus grande ouverture, f2.8, avec les objectifs Fujinon…


Why did I choose the Fuji X-T2 as my camera for sports photography ?

As an independent photographer, I shoot various subjects. One of my favorite topics for a few years has been sports photography. At first, I started because my son played basketball. As every loving parent, I came often to see the kid team play, and got a little bored on my bench. So I started taking…

Sport Technique++

Photographe de sport avec le Fuji X-T2 : matériel et réglages…

— traduction en français prochaine… Merci pour votre compréhension ! As an independent photographer, I shoot various subjects. One of my favorite topics for a few years has been sports photography. At first, I started because my son played basketball. As every loving parent, I came often to see the kid team play, and got…


2 Problèmes de son avec les téléphones Xiaomi et Redmi : son métallique et atténué

Comment résoudre ces deux problèmes de son avec le magnétophone Miui sur mon téléphone Xiaomi : un son très métallique et un enregistrement avec un son atténué au bout d’une minute ? Voici ma solution : Enregistrer en mode “Musique” plutôt qu’en mode “Interview” avec le Magneto permet de résoudre le problème du son métallique.…